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privacy policy

  • privacy policy

Hokutabi International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recognizes the importance of personal information protection by all officers and employees in order to protect customers' personal information and respect privacy, and implements the following measures. I will.

  1. We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information, national guidelines, travel agency laws, and other norms.

  2. When collecting personal information from customers, we will collect it to the extent necessary for business and by lawful and fair means. In addition, the collected personal information will be handled within the scope of the stated purpose of use.

  3. We will not disclose or provide the personal information you provide to a third party unless we have your consent or there is a valid reason.

  4. We have appointed an administrator to manage personal information, and in managing and handling your personal information, we will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, and other safety management of personal information. increase.

  5. We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information held by our customers after confirming the identity of the customer.

  • Purpose of use of personal information

We will use the personal information entered or entered in the application form (application form) submitted when applying for a trip for the purpose of contacting the customer, will be used within the scope necessary for arranging and receiving travel services provided by transportation and accommodation facilities.
In addition, the Company may conduct market analysis in order to develop better travel products in the future, provide customers with information on the products and services of the Company and companies affiliated with the Company, or after participating in a trip. We may use your personal information to request your opinions and impressions and to provide special services.
Please note that you may not be able to use our products and services if there is personal information that you do not provide, and if that item is essential for arranging the travel service you are applying for. please give me.

  • Provision of personal information

The Company will provide customers' personal information to transportation/accommodation facilities, etc. and arrangement agents to the extent necessary for arranging and receiving travel services that have been applied for. Except for the following exceptions, personal information will not be provided to third parties without the consent of the customer.

  1. With your consent

  2. When required by law

  3. When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent

  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations.

  • others

We may revise the above policy. In that case, this homepage We will guide you in.

[Personal information protection manager] Han Hao 

TEL : 011-887-8076   FAX : 011-887-8036  _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_E-MAIL:

Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 (Japan time)

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